Frank wes
18 day
Monday 20 S
Frank went
T to a hospital.
20 September
Queanbeyan District Hospital
Current ICU Issues
1: COVID 19
21 September
ICU Medical Ward Rounds - Session 1
Current ICU Issues
1: COVID 19 pneumonitis
2: DKA [dabetic ketacidosis] (Medical records state “resolved within 12 hours”.
3: Profound metabolic acidosis: (Impaired kidney function) (Remdesivir was administered which causes kidney failure state).
Current Issue 4: AKI: Acute Kidney Injury
(Records say “resolved within 12 hours”.
Page 34 says “Ask wife about usual GP and obtain summary”.
Hospital failed to deal with Frank’s GP and did not seek summary at all.
In fact hospital staff refused to speak to Frank’s GP.
Text messages exchanged between Frank’s GP and Nada dated 27 September 2021 reflect the hospital’s refusal to speak to Dr Jeffrey with Nada’s authorisation, which was immediately given.
At the time Nada considered it absurd hospital doctors refused to deal with a patient’s normal GP who knew all Frank’s medical history.
21 September
Verbal Update - Doctor Phone Call to Nada - Summary*:
Frank was doing slightly better than previous day.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (high blood sugar) was mostly resolved.
Working on covid pneumonia. Said it is moderately bad.
*Doctor’s daily update information was relayed via text messages to Frank’s friends and family.
22 September
ICU Medical Ward Rounds - Session 2
Current Issue 1: Covid-19 Pneumonitis
Drugs Given to Frank
22 September
Verbal Update - Doctor Phone Call to Nada - Summary:
Nada was advised Frank was slowly improving. His sugar level was good. His kidneys were mending. He will stay on ventilator for a few more days. He is sedated because he needs to be flipped on his stomach (“proned").
23 September
ICU Medical Ward Rounds - Session 3
Current Issue 1: Covid-19 Pneumonitis.
Drugs Given to Frank
Propofol: Sedation drug.
Fentanyl: Powerful opiod used as pain medication and anaesthesia.
Frusemide: Diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and build up of fluid in the body. Helps you pee when kidneys are not working.
Metoclopramide: Used to treat symptoms of slow stomach emptying.
23 September
Verbal Update by Doctor:
Nada was advised Frank was
a) improving
b) doctors were reducing sedation;
c) breathing better;
d) opened his eyes and was responsive.
Doctors stated they would look to remove breathing tube following day.
24 September
ICU Medical Ward Rounds - Session 4
Current Issue 1: Covid-19 Pneumonitis
DKA: Resolved within 12 hours.
AKI: Acute Kidney Injury - Stable. Urea rising.
LUL/DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis
Drugs Given to Frank
Heparin Infusion: Drug to prevent blood clots.
Tazocin: Poperacilin/Tazobactam: antibiotic.
24 September
Verbal Update by Doctor:
Nada was advised Frank had deteriorated a little and would remain on ventilator.
25 September
ICU Medical Ward Rounds - Session 5
Current Issue 1: Covid-19 Pneumonitis
Reparalised due to decreased oxygen saturation to 88%. Oxygen increased to 60%.
Drugs Given to Frank
Propofol/Fentanyl: Sedation drug.
Cisatracurium Infusion. Anesthesia for intibuation.
Albumin Bolus: Blood given.
Tazocin: Poperacilin/Tazobactam: antibiotic.
25 September
Verbal Update by Doctor:
Nada was advised Frank is not well. Not improving.
Queanbeyan Hospital - Phone Call 7: Nada called Queanbeyan Hospital again. Emergency Department advised Frank had left Queanbeyan Hospital and was at Canberra Hospital.
Queanbeyan Hospital - Phone Call 7: Nada called Queanbeyan Hospital again. Emergency Department advised Frank had left Queanbeyan Hospital and was at Canberra Hospital.
Queanbeyan Hospital - Phone Call 7: Nada called Queanbeyan Hospital again. Emergency Department advised Frank had left Queanbeyan Hospital and was at Canberra Hospital.
Hospital Doctors Refused to Get
Informed Consent
Queanbeyan Hospital doctors made all medical decisions for Frank without ever advising him or his wife about risks and complications of intended treatments.
Doctors chose to heavily sedate Frank and intubate him within hours of admission.
Despite the fact Frank was cognitive on admission (ambulance report states Frank was able to obey commands) doctors refused to obtain informed consent from Frank, nor inform Frank of their intention to intubate him. Doctors elected to heavily sedate, paralyse and intubate Frank with no warnings of risks at all.
Further, despite multiple calls Nada made to Queanbeyan Hospital:
doctors refused to inform Nada of their intention to intubate Frank at any time;
doctors refused to seek Nada’s consent to intubation as Frank’s next of kin;
doctors refused to inform Nada of risks associated with mechanical ventilation; and
doctors refused to obtain informed consent from Nada, as Frank’s wife and next of kin.
Queanbeyan Hospital Report
Francis Kovacevic
Why mechanical ventilation?
Queanbeyan Hospital Discharge Summary - Page 2: States “SPo2 - low 82”
At 12.36pm Frank’s oxygen saturation was 82%. While this level is not ideal, it is not life threatening, and has previously always been treated with oxygen.
Why did doctors choose mechanical ventilation that has massive risks when there were other known tried and tested treatments available.
Why mechanical ventilation?
Queanbeyan Hospital Discharge Summary - Page 3: States “Principal and Other Diagnosis. Sepsis”
Research undertaken states sepsis is when your immune system releases a lot of chemicals into your blood which tiggers widespread inflammation that can lead to organ damage.
Why did doctors choose mechanical ventilation which has an adverse effect of kidney failure (NIH - Complications Associated with Mechanical Ventilation), when doctors were made aware Frank was on medication for his kidneys, and the Ambulance Report states on page 2 “Pre-Exist unknown >> acute renal failure, diabetes, asthma.”
Why antibiotics for viral pnemonia?
Queanbeyan Hospital Discharge Summary - Page 3: States “IVABx - ceftriaxone 1gr, azithromycin 500mg, Flucloxacillin 2gr, gentamicin 320mg”
Frank was immediately given a large doses of antibiotics in a short amount of time at Queanbeyan hospital.
Research undertaken states antibiotics have no effect on viral pnemonia, and only helps in bacterial infections. Further research states large doses of antibiotics can be dangerous to people with kidney disease.
Why did doctors give such high doses of four (4) antibiotics when Frank had a history of kidney issues and was on Coversyl medication for his kidneys, when it has no effect on covid pnemonia, which is a viral not a bacterial pnemonia?
Total Disregard for
Frank and Nada
Hospital doctors do not live with the consequences of their decisions
Doctors decided to intubate Frank. Frank would never have agreed. Nada would never have agreed, and would never have given consent due to the risks associated with mechanical ventilation. In fact Nada would have demanded doctors give alternative treatments to Frank.
Doctors ignored Frank and Nada, and only did what they wanted. Doctors refused to get informed consent, refused to discuss anything and ultimately made every possible bad choice for Frank that contributed to Frank’s death.