1 October 1962 - 7 October 2021
Queanbeyan District Hospital
AT 10.30AM ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2021 Frank went to Queanbeyan Hospital by ambulance. Frank was diagnosed with DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) and sepsis.
Frank went into hospital breathing, talking and cognitive.
Ambulance officers determined Frank’s condition as “no immediate life threat”.
1 HOUR after arriving at Queanbeyan Hospital, at about 11.40am, hospital staff determined Frank was able to breath on his own. Queanbeyan Hospital records state, “Airway: patent managing own”.
3 HOURS after arriving at Queanbeyan Hospital, at about 1.30pm, despite Frank being able to breathe on his own, doctors made a decision to put Frank on a ventilator.
Doctors refused to inform Frank’s wife Nada or seek consent to intubate Frank, despite the fact Nada called the hospital 5 times.
4 HOURS after arriving at Queanbeyan Hospital, at about 2.30pm, doctors intubated Frank and chose to put his life at risk without any consideration of Frank’s or Nada’s wishes. Doctors sedated and paralysed Frank, and then shoved a tube down his throat, they call “intubation”.
Frank was in Queanbeyan Hospital for about six hours, which was sufficient time to diagnose Frank’s condition. On discharge, Queanbeyan Hospital records state Frank’s primary (and only) diagnosis was sepsis, yet Frank was primarily treated as a critical covid patient and immediately put on a ventilator, irrespective of the fact he could breathe on his own.
Queanbeyan Hospital discharge records state Frank’s principal (and only) diagnosis was sepsis. Despite his diagnosis, Frank was treated as a critical covid patient, put on a ventilator and given experimental covid drugs.
Canberra Hospital
At about 4.30pm Frank arrived at Canberra Hospital already intubated.
Canberra Hospital doctors immediately that day gave Frank an experimental covid drug called Remdesivir that has a documented death rate of 53.1%.
Redemsivir was rejected for use to treat ebola following trials in 2018 due to its 53.1% death rate, yet it was determined the “hospital protocol” for covid.
Apart from the greater than 50% chance of causing death, Remdesivir also causes multiple organ failure and respiratory failure, so it can be considered a poison.
Remdesivir, was given to Frank on his first day at hospital by intravenous injection. As such that poison was sent to every cell of his body, and did cause multi organ failure.
Like Queanbeyan Hospital, Canberra Hospital doctors refused to inform Frank’s wife or seek consent to administer Remdesivir - a highly dangerous drug for which informed consent is required.
Further, Remdesivir was administered to Frank contrary to Australian government protcols that states mechanical ventilation as an exclusion criteria for the use of Remdesivir.
Drugged & Damaged
Frank was sedated and paralysed throughout his stay in hospital. Frank never came out of sedation. In fact, Frank developed narcotic intolerance from all the opioids pumped into him.
Frank also developed a long list of damage done to him by the hospitals and their “treatments”.
Frank developed a blood clot in his arm.
Later developed blood clots in his lungs.
Frank developed a bacteria from the ventilator.
Frank developed a fungus on his lungs that destroyed 75% of his lungs.
Frank developed multiple organ failure.
Frank developed injuries to his body caused from “proning”, which is a process of flipping him on his stomach, while he has a tube down his throat.
Frank was swollen, and had purple bruises all over his body.
Frank’s right had was stone cold, and he had a big black scab on his lower lip.
18 days after going into hospital breathing and talking, at 4.10pm on 7 October 2021 Francis Kovacevic died. Frank was black and purple and looked as though he was beaten up by thugs.
Frank was barely recognisable as a consequence of hospital “treatments”
Frank went into hospital talking, breathing, and cognitive. In 18 days Frank came out dead.
A few days before Frank’s death Canberra Hospital’s Dr Bronwyn Avard called Nada to ask if “end of life choices” were discussed between Frank and Nada. Nada advised that Frank was informed Nada’s faith in God did not permit to end life because according to Nada’s faith, God gives life and only God can take life.
On 6 October 2021, the day prior to Frank’s death, Bronwyn called Nada to advise Nada, Frank was dying and that he had only about 24 to 36 hours to live. Bronwyn also said Frank was suffering, had kidney failure, and his heart would stop beating.
Bronwyn refused to inform Nada that a lethal quantity of 100mg of midazolam, a euthanasia drug, was scheduled to be pumped into Frank’s veins by intravenous infusion at 7am the next day. As such Frank’s death within 24 hours was made a certainty by the hospital with midazolam.
Within minutes after Frank’s death, Bronwyn lied to Nada to advise Frank had to be cremated “because he had covid”. That statement was a blatent lie, confirmed by a letter from the minister of health to say there was no such directive and he could be buried.
In contradiction to her assertion that Frank had to be cremated, Bronwyn signed off Frank’s death records, with Canberra Hospital records stating that Bronwyn referred Frank’s body to “Donate Life”, an organ donation organisation.
No Immediate Life Threat
Monday 20 September 2021 Frank had very high blood sugar, rapid breathing of 32 breathes per minute, pneumonia and covid.
Frank was a diabetic. At 9.15am he was physically weak, which was a common adverse event if Frank had of high or low blood sugar, and which Frank was always able to resolve within 30 minutes, either by drinking coke to increase his blood sugar or injecting insulin to reduce his blood sugar.
Frank was not critical, nor in danger of dying. At 10.30am ambulance officers determined Frank’s condition in as
“no immediate life threat”, which is stated on the ambulance report.
That morning Frank was talking, breathing and fully cognitive. Frank asked for things, answered questions posed by ambulance officers and was able to obey commands posed by ambulance officers.
At 10.30am Frank was taken to Queanbeyan District Hospital by ambulance. Click to read more.
Ventilated at 80% Oxygen
Within hours of admission to Queanbeyan District Hospital, Frank was sedated, paralysed and intubated, despite having a manageable level of oxygen of between 80 and 85%.
Despite there was “no immediate life threat”, Queanbeyan District Hospital doctors determined to intubate Frank and use a life threatening treatment, that can cause death.
Frank arrived at Queanbeyan Hospital at 11.02am.
By1.40pm doctors decided to intubate Frank.
At 2.22pm Frank was sedated with 20mg of ketamine.
At 2.25pm Frank was paralysed with 150mg of rocuronium.
At 2.25pm Frank was further sedated with 140mg of ketamine.
At 2.29pm a tube was shoved down Frank’s throat doctors call “intubation”.
So despite 5 calls Nada made to Queanbeyan Hospital, between 11.02am and 1.40pm doctors decided to intubate Frank and refused to advise Nada, or seek or obtain informed consent, or any consent at all.
Doctors decided to put Frank’s life at risk and decided not to discuss the treatment or its risks and adverse events with his wife and next of kin. Instead, hospital staff outright lied to Nada and said Frank was being immediately transferred to Canberra Hospital because ”it had better facilities”.
Hospital staff did however seek Nada to answer the following three questions:
Did Frank have a Will?
Was there an enduring power of attorney in place for Frank?
Was Frank vaccinated?
Frank arrived at Canberra Hospital already intubated about 4.00pm.
Despite a total of 12 phone calls and 32 minutes of conversations with Queanbeyan District Hospital and Canberra Hospital on the date of Frank’s admission, admission records fail to state Nada as Frank’s wife or his next of kin.
Doctors subsequently made all decisions about Frank’s treatments and refused to consult his wife and next of kin [click to read more]
Canberra Hopsital doctors immediately gave Frank an experimental drug called Remdesivir that has a mortality rate of 53.1% (documented by the NIH). Remdesivir was given to Frank contrary to Australian Government protocols that says Remdesivir is not be given to ventilated patients.
Remdesivir was given to Frank intravenously direct into his veins over a number of days by Canberra Hopsital contrary to its own documentation that states “not for remdesivir” nine (9) times. Click to read more.
Despite 7 calls Nada made to Canberra Hospital on Frank’s admission, hospital staff refused to inform Nada of any of the high risk treatments given to Frank, or seek or obtain informed consent, or any consent at all.
Reported Death
Frank was reported on TV as a “covid death”. In fact, 10 minutes after Frank’s death, and the day after Frank’s death, Canberra Hospital staff called Nada to “warn her and therefore prevent further distress” that Frank’s death would be reported on TV “due to public interest”.
Actual Death
The TV report failed state the truth - Frank died from multiple organ failure, a bacterial infection, a fungus that destroyed 75% of his lungs and “injuries” to his body - all sustained in hospital.
Canberra Hospital records on the date of Frank’s death state Frank was given a drug called “Midazolam”, purportedly with informed consent.
Midazolam is a known euthanasia drug. It was given to Frank contrary to express instructions given by Nada to Canberra Hospital that
“end of life” was not authorised under any circumstances due to Nada’s faith in God that prohibits a person to end life.
Further, Canberra Hospital was instructed to continue life saving treatments to Frank because Nada did not want Frank to die.
Nada was NEVER informed Frank was given Midazolam.
Website Purpose
This website details the opinions of the author that were formed on medical records and direct personal experience.
Medical records were obtained under freedom of information and are provided both in full and/or excepts as evidence of claims.