Hospital staff relied on information offered up by Frank’s daughter Krista -
a long time drug user,
Immediately after Frank’s death Krista lied to police,
stole 2 cars from Nada, attempted to get access to a valuable classic car, and attempted to use another person to get access to Nada’s business property
Breach of Duty of Care
Canberra Hospital records show hospital staff accepted information about Frank from his daughter Krista. Krista gave hospital doctors, nurses and social workers, grossly false information, opinions, and on multiple occasions very disturbing and entirely inappropriate information, which in itself should have rang huge alarm bells for hospital staff.
Krista repeatedly gave:
false personal and/or background information about Frank;
false medical and/or health information about Frank; and
highly inappropriate and entirely false information about Frank’s personality, traits, behaviours, views and opinions.
Krista misled hospital staff with a carefully constructed false representation of Frank. Krista described a man that was aggressive, autistic, homophobic, a victim of sexual abuse, a person who rejected medical treatments, and had a distrust of doctors, unable to talk and think, slow of mind and movement, and was anti-vax. Krista’s description suggests Frank was not a life worth saving.
Krista’s actions demonstrated that Frank’s death was foremost in Krista’s mind, who questioned Nada on first day of his hospitalisation whether Frank had a Will. Immediately after Frank’s death, Krista stole two of Nada’s cars, and attempted to get access to Nada’s other vehicles and property.
Hospital staff failed to inform Frank’s wife, and failed to ascertain the truthfulness or accuracy of information offered by Krista. Hospital staff subsequently relied on Krista’s information.
The Hospital had a duty of care to notify Frank’s wife, or any other person, who could have shed light on all matters. Whereas hospital staff relied on Krista who had a long history of:
drug use; and
avoiding her father, including refusing to open the door to him if he popped in to visit her and rarely spending time with him.
As such, hospital staff took information from a person who on average spent about 10 hours per year with Frank, instead of his wife who was usually with Frank 24/7.
Immediately after Frank’s death, Krista stole two of Nada’s cars and attempted to get access to Nada’s other cars and property, and turned up late to her father’s funeral.
The Gallery below provides pages from Frank’s hospital records.
The text highlighted in yellow is information given by Frank’s daughter Krista.
Immediately below the Gallery, Krista’s statements are individually addressed.
Background Information: Frank & Krista
Frank loved his daughter Krista and was always there for her despite the fact she was always a problem child.
Frank saved Krista from the bad situations she would get herself in, fixed her car every time it broke down, paid her rent when she failed to, and took her to Croatia in 2018 to fix her teeth because she was in constant pain.
Krista took from Frank when she needed or wanted something, screamed at him for waking her if he popped in to see her before 12 noon, avoided seeing him as much as she could, and generally just refused to open her door to him.
THE FACTS: Krista’s did not spend much time with her father and did not know her father well at all.
rarely spent time with her father and avoided him as much as possible because he encouraged her to stop smoking pot, get a job, and get up at 8am like normal people instead of 12 noon;
frequently refused to answer her door to Frank if he popped past to say hi;
screamed at her father if he woke her before 12 noon;
screamed at her boyfriend if he allowed Frank in to visit them in their apartment; and
always failed to show up on time, or at all, if she made a time to see Frank.
Krista Call with Doctor 22 September 2021: Recorded on Page 131
Phoned daughter Krista xxx xxx xxx who was quite informative about Frank’s movements over the last few weeks. She said that he has been unwell for the last 3 weeks, but especially the last 1 week. Started with pain between the shoulder blades and C-spine on 7/9 to the point that he was
unable to think/talk. Extremely tender to her palpitation. He was taking a lot of painkillers, getting Krista to massage him. She reports he became slow of thought and movement. She last saw him on 8/9.
THE FACTS: Krista’s statement Frank was unwell in the three weeks prior to his hospitalisation was entirely false, or that he was taking a lot of pain killers.
Frank was fit and well, walking his german shepherd dog Max on the weekends, doing his usual car restoration during the weekdays and helping care for his father-in-law on the weekends. In fact Frank delivered a 250kg concrete drain riser in his ute to the south coast house, got it off his ute, and moved it 80 metres with a “dolly” to the rear garden - alone. That’s why Frank had a sore shoulder!
From 13 to 16 September Frank was still doing his normal week-day car restorations. The Shed diary records Aaron worked on cars that week. Also that week, Alex (Krista’s boyfriend’s painter) painted the Shed office, as well as the Queanbeyan apartment. Further, Krista’s boyfriend had spent most of the week of 13-17 September with Frank and Alex the painter.
Frank started to feel unwell Friday 17 September 2021.
Krista’s statement Frank was unable to “think/talk” and had become “slow of thought and movement” is entirely false, and can easily be disproven by Frank’s phone records and people he saw and spoke to that week, including Aaron. Further, on 15 September 2021, Frank dealt with a Cooma police officer (both in person and by phone) concerning the retrieval of our stolen trucks.
Krista Call with Doctor 22 September 2021: Recorded on Page 131
Via text he did apparently say he was using his puffers more - Krista says he is a severe asthmatic. Hasn't been hospitalised for asthma in the past, but did have a lung operation 20 years ago in Chermside hospital in Queensland ?lung abscess with prolonged hospital adminission. On 11/9 he wasn’t feeling well.
THE FACTS: Frank was not a severe asthmatic. Frank had mild intermittent asthma. Frank did not have wheezing or whistling when breathing or mucus, and only used his puffer about twice a day.
Frank’s asthma did not prevent him for doing his normal activities, which would be the case if he had “severe asthma”.
Krista was unable to comment on Frank’s health on 11 September as she was not with him at all. In fact Frank was perfectly well on Friday 11 September 2021, and travelled from Queanbeyan to Batemans Bay early that afternoon where he spent the weekend with Nada. Frank travelled back to Queanbeyan on Monday morning,13 September 2021.
Krista Call with Doctor 22 September 2021: Recorded on Page 131
On Mon 13/9 he told her he was going to the shops, but stopped responding to texts which is apparently very unusual for him – she feels that he probably didn't actually go to the shops, but instead went home because he is very private when he is unwell. She became worried that he was having a hypo. When he did finally answer calls, it sounded like he was lying down at home and his BGL was okay.
THE FACTS: Krista said she was “worried that he was having a hypo”, which can quickly lead to a diabetic coma, yet did not bother to drive 5 minutes to Frank’s home to check on him.
Krista Call with Doctor 22 September 2021: Recorded on Page 131
On Wed 15/6 Krista “went into panic mode” started getting food delivered and dropping off supplies. Thought he was a bit confused on the phone. Asked him to arrange a GP appointment. Rang his sister and ex-wife. On the phone, he was heavy breathing, taking four large breaths in order to say a single word at a time. Asked Krista to move one of his classic cars somewhere. She had to guess what he was trying to say. Struggled to get out of single word “Insurance”, which she took to mean that she shouldn't park the unregistered uninsured vehicle on the road.
THE FACTS: Krista’s statement she went into “panic mode” and started getting food delivered on Wednesday was entirely false, proven by her text messages to Frank on that day. The text messages show communications with Frank on 15 September concerned the Jerseys Megastore in Fyshwick ACT. Krista took photos of the storefront, which she sent to Frank.
Krista’s statement Frank was breathing heaving and unable to speak, only able to get out a single word is also entirely false, evidenced by phone records that show 22 minutes of phone calls between Frank and Nada. Frank also texted his friend Brett about cars that day, and spent the day with Krista’s boyfriend and the painter Alex who was painting the Queanbeyan apartment.
Krista’s statement Frank asked her to move a classic care somewhere is entirely false. Frank did not permit any person to drive the classic cars other than the mechanic Aaron. It is a fabricated story that Frank would ask Krista to leave a classic car on the street, unregistered and uninsured, because Frank NEVER left any classic car on a street because they are highly prized, valuable, and would be stolen within minutes.
Krista Call with Doctor 22 September 2021: Recorded on Page 131
On Sat 18/9 she put a care package with a puffer and new mask at his door.
THE FACTS: Phone records show Frank made a call to Krista on Saturday afternoon.
Krista’s text message to Frank of Saturday 18 September (see screenshot of Krista’s text message below) Frank was waiting for her to bring the supplies, which included an oxygen bottle, antibiotics, asthma puffer and cough medicine, among other silly items such as a beanie and fashion mask.
Krista’s text message also indicates she took hours deliver the package because she first went to visit her friend Sherridan’s house in Hackett ACT where she left the care package.
Krista refused to take two steps inside the apartment from where she would have been able to look down the hallway and see Frank from a distance of 10+ metres. Rather Krista left the package inside the door and sent Frank a text message at 6.05pm, which he did not respond to. See photo of apartment hallway leading to living room below.
When Frank failed to reply to Krista’s text message, she did not “go into panic mode”, did not check on him, and did not contact Nada or any other person to check on him.
Note: Krista was a covid close contact because Frank had spent the entire week with her boyfriend, who had spent the entire week with her.
Page 131, Paragraph 8
On Sun 19/9 Krista’s sister called and she thought he was “with it”. Krista then called and thought otherwise. Arranged a doctor appointment for Monday, and told him via text to call 000 and tell them he was asthmatic if he became more unwell. He didn't respond to the text message.
THE FACTS: Despite the fact Krista told doctors that she thought Frank was not OK, and according to her text message to Frank at 6.48pm on Sunday 19 September, in which Krista stated she was of the view Frank was having difficulty breathing, Krista refused to do anything at all, other than send Frank text messages.
During those critical 12 hours before Frank became ill with very high blood sugar and pneumonia, the only thing Krista did was to send Frank a text message advising him to call 000.
Krista refused to physically check on Frank, and refused to contact Nada, or any of Frank’s friends in Queanbeyan to check on him.
Page 131, Paragraph 9
As far as contacts, Krista believes he has only been in contact with her (last on 8/9), Nada (on the date of admission) and his friend that he sometimes works all cars with. After being cagey about this at first, Krista ended up revealing that this person is Aaron XXXX a Maltese man who doesn't believe in COVID and is anti-VAX. He was apparently meant to be in isolation due to contact with his COVID positive sister. Aaron apparently broke his phone but went out of isolation to get a new one, and Krista thinks he was probably also in contact with a friend. He apparently lives
THE FACTS: Contrary to information given to doctors, Krista was a contact with Frank through her boyfriend and the painter Alex who spent the entire week with Frank. Alex also later tested positive whereas Krista’s boyfriend claims he tested negative.
Krista’s shared “her opinions” concerning Aaron’s views on covid and being “anti-vax” which was untrue. Aaron is fully vaxed, whereas Krista failed to mention to doctors that she has not been vaccinated, nor has her boyfriend.
Page 131, Paragraph 10
Krista says Nada is definitely symptomatic at the moment – she doesn't sound like herself on the phone. Thanks Nada's dad is also a symptomatic to. Things that Nada probably buys into the thought that COVID is part of the conspiracy. I encouraged Christine to ensure Nada gets tested and stays away from her elderly father if it all possible.
THE FACTS: Krista gave doctors an entirely false opinion that Nada “buys into the thought covid is part of the conspiracy”, when in fact she was fully aware that Frank and Nada knew the covid virus was real and in fact always avoided “hot spots” so-as not to bring covid to Nada’s elderly father, who was in the high risk category.
Krista’s false“conspiracy” statement made to doctors, was such dangerous statement to make, in that it could have caused Frank’s outcome and taught a lesson covid is real.
Krista was not in a position to comment on Nada’s father, as she had no contact with him whatsoever to be able to make any assessment on him.
Page 132, Paragraph 2
Also asked about what she meant when she told the nurses he was being worked up for autism. Apparently Krista has been involved in looking after some people with autism and thought that her father may in fact be an diagnosed. Arrange to have him seen by a Linda Bruce, psychologist in Queanbeyan given he is apparently quite a difficult personality. He was due to have some form of autism assessment this week.
THE FACTS: Krista’s experience in “looking after some people with autism” extended to her making all the necessary arrangements to have her boyfriend successfully diagnosed with “autism spectrum” in order to obtain additional Centrelink benefits as his carer.
Krista told Frank she was able to get a raft of additional items such as a massage chair, in addition to the carer’s allowance. Krista presently receives a disability pension which she has received her entire adult life. Krista also resides in government housing.
Frank did not have any arrangements to see a psychologist. Further, Frank would never agree to see a psychologist as he would never agree to have any person access his mental capacity, which would be confirmed by every one of his friends.
Krista’s motives must be questions, particularly in consideration of the fact she stole two of Nada’s cars immediately following Frank’s death, and attempted to steal a classic car.
Page 135, Paragraph 4
Nada has stated that she does not want Franks daughter Cryster to be updated any further re-his condition as Christine has sent her a text message to say that she sent a message to one of the doctors in the ICU that open inverted commas Frank does not like gays and to keep guys away from him close inverted commas. This was a long conversation, but essentially because of this she is angry with Krista as she says this is untrue and she should not be joking at this time, and does not wish for her to be receiving any further updates from us.
I have let the nursing staff know this and will let the social worker know I have let the nursing staff know this and will let the social worker know
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Pages 229-230, Paragraph 1
Received a call from daughter Krista, who sounded understandably anxious about her father. Given her a update about her father patient prone at the moment to help improve lung function. Informed her that her father is also on sedation and paralysing Agent. She has no question about it. She asked if her father is been given antibiotics. Told her that no antibiotic has been charted for now but that antibiotics has been given at QDH. She informed about her father's “miss trust of doctors” and that he only sees one GP who is based at Queensland whose name is Dr Mark Jeffrey. Also mentioned about her father having kidney injury for which she has been taking a drug for. She also mentioned about her father being in the process of being diagnosed for autism spectrum disorder and that he is seeing a psychologist by the name of Dr Linda Bruce who is based in Queanbeyan. She also mentioned about her father being a”difficult patient “grumpy” when he's at the hospital. She has given her contact number and direct number has been given to her so that she can call for updates if she needs to.
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 241, Paragraph 2
Wife suffering symptoms of Covid according to daughters called to in S – reportedly not communicating information to daughters. Would appreciate updates
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 247
Received call from Private patients daughter (Christine) around 21:00 hours who was requesting an update on Francis. I explained that the patients wife (Nada) has been listed as the next of kin and that she has been given an update today. Christine explained that Nada is struggling to relay the information to the rest of the family and she herself has been short of breath. Krista has asked that she be updated daily so that she can then pass on the information to the rest of the family and keep them updated. I will ask the ICU team to do the same.
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 257
Phone contact with patients daughter Christopher stop she has supportive family (brother in Australia, sister in NZ, mum in Gympie) and they are keeping updated through Nadia. Krista raised some concerns that Nadia did not call the ambulance properly when finding patients in the condition he was in, but recognises that she was attempting to respect the patients wishes as he is a very strong willed personality and has regularly declined ambulance support.
Christine advises patient is seeking a diagnosis for ASD (through Dr Linda Bruce, psychologist) and is very assertive, difficult, high functioning, intelligent man with strong views. She reports he is a very difficult patient which they have experienced many times in his various hospitalisations for diabetic issues. She reports he wakes up angry and embarrassed and will attempt to pull lines out and leave at first opportunity. She reports he is proud and will only use a toilet, he react strongly when offered urine bottles/pans, and will throw these rather than use them. She reports he can become physically aggressive when he mistakes male nurse touch for homosexual intentions and can react with homophobic slurs, aggression etc - female nurses will be safer and less triggering for him. She's suspect he has a childhood – teenage years trauma being sexual assaulted but has not fully disclose this with the family.
He was born in Australia, and speaks English and Croatian, it's possible he may wake and speak Croatian and an interpreter will be beneficial.
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 271
Plan to wean sedation and assess neurology as per ICU team. If able, aim to have patients spontaneously breathing and can keep sedation low if patient tolerating and remains calm. I see a medical team aware of patient history documented by social worker. Fentanyl reduced to 50 mg/h and pro Parcoal two 80 mg/h as per Dr Liam Bryce.
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 132, Paragraph 2
History indicates has been unwell for three weeks pre-admission and very unwell for one week pre-admission. Therefore anticipate >10 days now of negligible nutrition intake.
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 132, Paragraph 2
Phone call received around 22:00pm patients daughter requested an update on Frank. I explained his wife is noted as in okay and I am unable to provide any more details. I have requested for the ICU team to provide updates to both Francis Franks wife and daughter, as she stated there is a lack of communication between them at the moment.
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 333
Oceans ex-wife called on behalf of her daughters. She was upset that the daughters are no longer getting updates from the medical team and wanted to know what the procedures are if patients wife does not provide an update (though she advised updates were happening currently), SW confirmed that it was normal procedure to have one contact person who is updated by the doctors and they then update the rest of the family. If she is concerned dua can speak with SW anytime for support.
THE FACTS: Krista’s e
Page 132, Paragraph 2
THE FACTS: Krista’s e